Package: |
Description: |
Ref: |
Create, scan, and search using discrete sequence motifs. |
eBAS |
eMOTIF Batch Analysis Suite. Permits eMOTIF licensees to analyze
groups of proteins or entire proteomes for the presence of eMOTIFs in
batch fashion. |
3motif |
Visualize discrete protein sequence motifs and their properties in 3 dimensions. |
3matrix |
Visualize probabilistic protein sequence motifs and their properties in 3 dimensions. |
Create, scan, and search using probabilistic sequence motifs. |
LOCK 2 |
Performs vector-based protein structure alignment. |
FoldMiner |
structural similarity searches and rapid, unsupervised structural motif
discovery. Motifs are used to improve the sensitivity and specificity
of the search. |
Builds multiple structure alignments from pairwise superpositions using consistency as a driving force. |
BioProspector |
Discovers conserved transcription factor binding sites
among upstream sequences from co-regulated genes. (more...)
MDScan |
Discovers conserved transcription factor binding sites among
upstream sequences from CHromatin Immune Precipitation experiments
(CHIP) (more...)
Database of Medline MeSh terms and protein motifs that
describe and detect signal transduction proteins. |
Aligns two protein sequences using Needleman-Wunsch
global alignment or Smith-Waterman local alignment (more...)
eConceptBuilder |
A script for generating motifs from protein families defined by specific MeSh terms. |
eProteome |
A database of all significant eMOTIF patterns, eMATRIX patterns and
BLAST similarities in open reading frames of 75 sequenced genomes. |
A database of conserved, ungapped sequence alignments derived from
SwissProt protein families using PSI-BLAST. |
Alphabet |
This program takes a database of aligned protein sequences in BLOCKS+
format and examines the alignments column-wise looking for groups of
amino acids that co-occur in columns more frequently than expected. (more...) |
Aligns two protein sequences and can enumerate and display
both optimal alignments and near optimal alignments within any
distance delta of the optimal score. |